NOAA's Deborah Marx examines the submerged cultural resources of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary’s seafloor.
Also by Deborah Marx: Vanishing Icon of New England's Fishing Fleet: The Eastern Rig Dragger
Nautilus Productions has provided the MUA with a twelve minute video about their recently completed documentary on the Mystery Mardi Gras shipwreck discovered in 4000 feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico. Watch as researchers endeavored to discover information about the vessel's identity, its occupation, and its crew.

University of Southampton (in the UK) graduate student Sarah Holland has conducted research on artefact distribution patterns and site formation processes using brightly painted bricks. How far will they go? Additional posts by Sarah Holland:
The Warship Hazardous Tracer Study Part 1
The Warship Hazardous Tracer Study Part 2
Excavations have demonstrated that Fort St. Joseph contains undisturbed deposits that can provide information about life on the 18th-century frontier. Archaeological evidence clearly affirms the site’s considerable potential to make significant contributions to our understanding of ethnogenesis and the formation of new social identities among the residents of Fort St. Joseph.
Archaeologist David Conklin discusses his attempt to use video footage to create a photo mosiac image of a prehistoric underwater site.

Underwater Archaeologists Stephanie Gandulla and Nicole Wittig share their techniques for digitally creating line art from photographs.
What's it like to conduct research on the 18th century Great Lakes? Kurt Knoerl travels to archives and archaeological sites in Michigan and Ontario to learn about the British maritime cultural landscape on the western lakes.

The Institute for International Maritime Research, Inc., and the First Colony Foundation, Inc., have joined in a cooperative effort to locate and identify archaeological remains of the Raleigh Colony.
Also on the Lost Colony: A 2010 update by Bill Utley

Dr. James P. Delgado relates the firey loss and rediscovery of the storeship General Harrison. Buried and forgotten beneath the city of San Francisco archaeologists uncover the vessel's remains and piece together the archaeological clues to the city's maritime past.
Also on the General Harrison: Part 2 of the story.

SHIP is a huge multi-state project designed to help State Historic Preservation Officers inventory, protect, and manage historic sites. With professional guidance Institute of Maritime History volunteer divers and researchers scout for submerged sites, map them, gather archival data, and compile the findings into a computer database.
Other SHIP updates : 8/27/2007 / 10/09/2009
Sorna Khakzad's posts provide a brief introduction to current projects in European underwater archaeology or ‘underwater cultural heritage’ as it is called by world heritage organizations. This topic was a part of her postgraduate thesis project .
Also by Sorna Khakzad: Maritime Archaeology in Belgium Part 1

The Free China is a historic century-old Chinese sailing vessel on the verge of extinction. An authentic Fujian junk used during the first half of the 20th century to transport fish and contraband, the Free China has a rich and colorful past. The junk is possibly the oldest Chinese wooden sailing vessel of operable condition in existence—and the last of its kind.
Free China update by Dione Chen
Good News for the Chinese Junk Free China
How can archaeology students develop themselves to become underwater archaeologistsif there are no underwater archaeology field-school courses or programs that are taught in their universities or even in their countries? See how a volunteer training in Thailand is broadening understanding of curious students with new experiences in archaeology, thus creating a new generation of field professionals.

Flinders University (in Australia) graduate student Mark Opdyke has conducted research and survey work on the Chesapeake Bay Skipjack Joy Parks located at the Piney Point Lighthouse Museum in Piney Point Maryland.
View the most recent post: The 2012 Season
In the last ten years we have seen a growth in preservation minded avocational groups in underwater archaeology. Here we feature the Cleveland Underwater Explorers, a growing organization working on the Great Lakes. This grass roots support is our best hope for a partnership with the general public.
Also by CLUE: Past Projects / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011

Graduate student Jodi Carpenter recently took part in a remote sensing survey of submerged cultural resources around Jamestown Island. This research is in support of her Master's thesis at East Carolina University. Jodi has provided the MUA with this report.

The Pericles Research Group (PRG) from Western Australia is comprised of ethically committed avocational divers who are attempting to map the wreckage of the SS Pericles.