Educational Resources On the MUA
The number of undergraduate and graduate programs in underwater archaeology continues to grow. The MUA receives numerous requests for information and guidance from students each year who enquire as to what options are available. This page provides contact information for various programs as well as links to content on the MUA that relates to their program and projects submitted to the MUA by their students.

Flinders University Maritime Archaeology
Program Information:
Contact Info: Department of Archaeology Flinders University GPO Box 2100 Adelaide, South Australia 5001
Phone: +61 8 8201 5875 Fax: +61 8 8201 2784
Email: wendy.vanduivenvoorde@flinders.edu.au
Resources on the MUA:
Project Journals:
2010 Field School Interactive Poster
The 2008 Journal
The 2007 Journal
Student Projects:
Learning Underwater Archaeology in Thailand - Warang Petch
Joy Parks: A Field Survery - Mark Opdyke

Program Information:
Contact Info: Phone: +44 (0)1202 961916
Email: AskBU Enquiry Service
Resources on the MUA:
Project Journals and Exhibits:
Bournemouth University Introduction
Swash Channel Shipwreck Project

Curriculum in Underwater and Coastal Landscape Archaeology
Program Information:
Contact Info: CONSORZIO UNO Chiostro del Carmine, via Carmine - 09170, Oristano
Phone: +39 0783 767922
Email: tutor.archeologia@consorziouno.it
Resources on the MUA:
Noto Statement on the Future of Underwater Cultural Heritage Protection and Preservation in the Mediterranean

Program Information:
Contact Info:
Email: General Archaeology Enquiries
Resources on the MUA:
Student Projects:
Following the Yellow Brick Road - Sarah Holland
The Warship Hazardous Tracer Study Part 1- Sarah Holland
The Warship Hazardous Tracer Study Part 2- Sarah Holland
North America

Program Information:
Contact Info: David Cummins
Marine Technology Advisor
Alpena Community College
665 Johnson Street
Alpena, MI 49707
Email: cumminsd@alpenacc.edu
Resources on the MUA:
Student Projects:
2014 Summer Program at Thunder Bay!

Program Information:
Contact Info: 302 East Library Street Greenville, NC 27858
Phone: 252-328-6097
Email: Maritime Studies
Resources on the MUA:
Project Journals and Exhibits:
View the 2008 Bermuda Field School Exhibit
View the 2007 Summer Journal
View the 2006 Fall Journal
Student Projects:
Digital Inking - Stephanie Gandulla and Nicole Wittig
Japanese Wooden Boats in Woodblock Prints: A Research Project Journal - Michelle Damian
Jamestown Island Submerged Resources Survey - Jodi Carpenter

Program Information:
Contact Info: Dr. Rod Mather
Email: RodMather@mail.uri.edu
Resources on the MUA:
Project Journals:
2009-2010 Bermuda Field School Interactiver Poster and Videos

Program Information:
Website Coming Soon
Contact Info: Dr. James M. Allan
Resources on the MUA:
Project Journals:
2009-2010 Bermuda Field School Interactiver Poster and Videos

Program Information:
Contact Info: Nautical Archaeology Program Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 USA
Phone: (979) 845-5242 Fax: (979) 845-6399
Email: swachsmann@tamu.edu
Resources on the MUA:
Guest Blogger:
50 Years Later - Filipe Castro
Student Projects:
The Lake Ontario Maritime Cultural Landscape Project - Ben Ford

Program Information:
Contact Info: Marine Operations Department
150 E Front St, Suite 100
Erie, PA 16507
Phone: (814) 452-2744 x214
Email: marineops@flagshipniagara.org
Resources on the MUA:
US Brig Niagara Sail Training Program
US Brig Niagara Sail Training Program NASOH Session

Program Information:
Contact Info: Dr. John Bratten
Email: anthropology@uwf.edu
Resources on the MUA:
Project Journals:
The 2009 Journal
The 2008 Journal