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For more detailed information on the archaeological study of the CSS Alabama you can select from the following PDF reports:

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Bradlow, Edna and Frank. Here Comes the Alabama. Cape Town: A. A. Balkema. 1958
An account of the Alabama’s voyages to and around Cape Town, South Africa

Carlinsky, Dan. “Civil Service” Smithsonian. February 2005. 27 – 30.
An article summarizing the Alabama’s history.

CSS Alabama Association USA. <>  20 March 2005.
The CSS Alabama Association is a non-profit group working to finance the recovery and conservation of artifacts from the Confederate States Steamer Alabama.

CSS Alabama Digital Collection <> 20 March 2005
A collection of letters and documents pertaining to the Alabama and her voyages. An excellent resource for primary documents. 

Historic American Sheet Music Library of Congress.
<> 20 March 2005
A comprehensive collection of early American sheet music, searchable by composer, title, and genre.

Marvel, William. The Alabama & the Kearsarge: the sailor’s Civil War. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1996.
While there are many accounts of the Alabama and her voyages, few document the movements of the Kearsarge save for her battle with the Alabama. This book details the life and missions of both ships and her sailors.

Merli, Frank. The Alabama, British Neutrality, and the American Civil War. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 2004.
Much of this book focuses on the legal status of the Alabama and the effects of her voyages on an international scale, examining British “neutrality” during the war. 

Robinson, Charles M. Shark of the Confederacy: the Story of the CSS Alabama. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press. 1995.
This book does not only document the voyages of the Alabama, but also traces its evolution “from history to legend,” and how the ship still looms large in consciousness even beyond the United States.

Semmes, Raphael. The Confederate raider, Alabama; selections from Memoirs of service afloat during the War Between the States. Ed. Philip Van Doren Stern. Gloucester, Mass., P. Smith. 1969.
This memoir by the captain of the CSS Alabama recounts the voyages of the CSS Alabama throughout the world, complete with vignettes about the lives of the sailors on the ship and interactions with other vessels.

Sinclair, Arthur. Two years on the Alabama. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press. 1989.
An account of life on the CSS Alabama written by Fifth Lieutenant Arthur Sinclair, detailing many of the ship’s voyages and culminating in her final battle with the Kearsarge.

Watts, Gordon. Archaeological Investigation and Remote Operated Vehicle Documentation: Confederate Commerce Raider CSS Alabama 2002. North Carolina: Institute for International Maritime Research, Inc. 2004.
-- Investigation of the Confederate Commerce Raider CSS Alabama 2001. North Carolina: Institute for International Maritime Research, Inc. 2001.
-- Investigation of the CSS Alabama 2000. North Carolina: Institute for International Maritime Research, Inc. 2000.
These comprehensive site reports document the archaeological process on the CSS Alabama wreck site, from goals of the excavation, through the diving and artifact recovery, through an analysis of the findings and recommendations for further field study.

Image Credits

All images in this exhibit are provided courtesy of the CSS Alabama Association.

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