Industry Methodology


The first of the three field seasons funded by the St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum took place in 1998. The research design, or objective, of this field season was to re-investigate magnetometer hits recorded in 1995 and 1997, perform ground truth investigations on these targets, locate and identify any remaining hull structure, and map and measure artifacts encountered along the way. The 1997 site tests had revealed three anchors and eight cannon on the Tube Site. These were relocated with a magnetometer in 1998. The site was excavated with a two-inch water induction dredge. Each of the cannons were measured, mapped, and videoed in-situ. All were heavily encrusted with calcifications. The northernmost cannon had rolled away from the other seven during the wrecking process, and therefore was not encrusted to the other guns. This gun was selected for recovery as it could be done without disturbing the rest.

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