ECU's 2006 Fall Field School
Project Journal

Project Learning Assessment
and Interviews
Survey Results
Video Interviews



We believe projects like the ECU field journal are instructive to a wide ranging group of people including the participating students, the faculty, the audience, and the MUA staff. But the discipline of the scholarship of teaching and learning forces us to ask: How do we know an exercise like the field journal is teaching or impacting anyone? It's an important question. Though not part of the original project plan, we decided to look for some answers to those questions

This page attempts to show what we have learned about the effectiveness of this project. We wish to make no false pretence about our methods of inquiry. This is not a scientific quantitative analysis. This is a qualitative study that we feel is sufficient enough for our purposes to answer questions about whether or not projects such as this are worthwhile. We (the MUA) wished to know if we were meeting our goal of influencing and impacting underwater archaeologists' attitudes about using the Internet to reach the public. The ECU faculty, as we shall see, had a less specific goal in mind.

So how did we find out how the students and faculty felt about the experience? Simply put...we asked them. We conducted video interviews with four out of the five students (one was unavailable during the time we were conducting the interviews) and both ECU faculty members. The MUA would like to express its gratitude for their patience during the process, for their time, and their insightful comments.

We will post video portions of the interviews as we are able to complete production on each segment. Results from a future online survey for the web audience will be posted as well.

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Survey Results

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Video Interviews

(click on the images to view a response)

1. What do you hope students will get from this online writing experience?

2. Why do an online journal project?
3. Did you give the students instructions on how to write their journal entries?

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4. As you wrote these journal entries did you have an audience in mind?

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5. Did knowing you had to write a journal entry change the way you viewed the site?

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6. Did you read each other's journal entries?

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7. What did you like best about the project?

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8. What were some of the benefits of this web project?

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9. Can you talk about your writing style and how it may have changed over time?

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10. How did the students writing change over the course of the project?

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11. Do you think this project influenced your opinion about using the Internet?

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Final words of wisdom from me after all this crap.

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For more information you can visit the ECU website at:

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